Certification is about verifying your experience against a set of skills and competencies that are related to the specific job or role. Obviously you need to have the appropriate level of knowledge associated with the skills.
You also need to have the minimum qualification as a prerequisite for any certification.
Knowledge + Qualification + Experience are the cornerstones of GAFM / AAPM Certifications
Examination is not only based upon your knowledge, skills and competencies but also the methodologies, processes, and the industry standards that you have practiced in your past experience.
- Accredited Professional Certificate
- Accredited Training Certificate
- Reference book we provide a reference book to ensure high quality standards are embedded in the examination process and making sure that the method of assessments are aligned with the skills and competencies approved by the GAFM Board of Certification Standards.
- Accredited Certification Card certification / member card for verification is provided for each certification that you apply.